oEtG Forum

Bo Mirror


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I tried to build a deck where the mirror shield would be buffed each round by the bo. However it seems that the idea is not playing out well, maybe someone has some ideas for improvement.


The idea is to bring out the mirror shield and the bo as fast as possible, then immaterialize the bo with protect artifact to improve the blocked damage each round. The Alphawolf gains mitosis to generate an army of wolfs and the fungus is food for the shtriga.

I tried this deck out a couple of times against champion, but it seems overwhelmingly weak against all kinds of things, like heavy hitters, rush decks, the monk, etc.
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stalling champ can be rough, they play a lot of random cards so you kind of have to handle everything while they draw 2 per turn

Imbued Bos multiply their DR bonus

Running PA alongside Mirror Shield is a bit silly

Fun trick this duo has is by playing Mirror Shield first & then imbuing it with Stonewall you get to play Stonewall with light quanta, avoiding hiccup in ramping up stoneskin/dr combo

Septima Rhay

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bo own shield or stolen shield

harvest moon