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Is this how AM vampire should behave?

timpa · 5 · 1039


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I'm very confused about how the damage was being calculated, specially in the late game.

Looking back it seems that my HP change is what determines the effect vampire has on the opponent. Was this an intentional change?

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« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 08:03:58 pm by timpa »
:chroma :gravity :time


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heh, not quite intentional, but I can see how that would happen

ideally this would match vanilla since there's no good reason not to


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AFAICT creatures and weapons attack in a specific order, with the weapon (in the weapon slot) always attacking last and the attacks resolving separately.

Also, according to my observations, vampires work as such: first they deal a batch of damage, then they heal you for that amount.

For example on ply 17:
1) The flying dagger with 1str deals 1 damage to you, then heals Gobbie to 163HP.
2) The flying dagger with -14str deals negative 14 damage to you (healing you to full life), then heals Gobbie for negative 14 HP, bringing it to 149HP — technically the dagger only healed you by 7HP (from 93 to 100), but the game treats the 14 damage/healing as a single batch regardless of outcome (AFAICT).
3) The non-flying dagger with -6str tries to deal negative 6 damage to you, but since you are already at full life nothing happens. Then Gobbie does not get healed, because no damage was dealt.

Basically, either you get healed at least a little and the opponent gets the full backlash, or you don't get healed and nothing happens.


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The point is that the vanilla behaviour, which was the behaviour in open (I don't know when it changed) was that the effect on the owner and opponent were separated. A vampire dealing X damage meant that the opponent takes X damage and you heal X, independent on how much the opponent HP actually changed.
:chroma :gravity :time


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Which is how it works as long as there was a change in HP. It seems as though the game treats "HP went from [amount] to [same amount]" the same as "no damage / healing happened".

Similarly, you do not get healed when you bolt a Spark with Sadism in play (I just tested it).

I'm not saying that's how things should work, I'm just trying to figure out how it currently does work.