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Guild Trials #1


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  • RNJesus > Hard Counter
Hmm, somewhat disappointed by number of participants.
Material: D2D vs Terroking
Cardinal: Timpa gets it for free
Spiritual: Fippe94 vs ji412jo

Matches will be best of 9, with 70% of your deck being in element, and 6 ups permitted.
While there is no time limit, please try to finish these duels as fast as possible so we can get Guilds going again. Thanks!
(If it drags on for a really long time, we'll do some magic things. No, we're not flipping a coin.)
So apparently I can fly now

Dawn to Dusk

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D2D 5 - 3 Terroking

Spoiler for 1-0:
Spoiler for 1-1:
Spoiler for 1-2:
Spoiler for 2-2:
Spoiler for 3-2:
Spoiler for 4-2:
Spoiler for 4-3:
Spoiler for 5-3:
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 05:43:52 am by Dawn_to_Dusk »


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D2D 5 - 3 Terroking

GGs, mate.

Spoiler for G1:

He was on minomares, which would have been great for me had I been able to set up... alas, I never drew a fungus. 0-1
Spoiler for G2:

This was a free win. I assume his deck could do more than just play a single jack-o-lantern, but he elected not to show me. 1-1
Spoiler for G3:

He used an UG deck, but I had trident and he had no quanta as a result. 2-1
Spoiler for G4:

I really wanted to win with this deck, but it was not to be. He countered me well with SoP wardens and was already set up by the time I had my combo. 2-2
Spoiler for G5:

This one was really close. We were both playing hyper aggressive rushes. I would have had exact lethal with boomstick, but he had a nice deflag topdeck to clinch the win. 2-3
Spoiler for G6:

Went with the Immortal. He was on Mitogolems and had an early boomstick+mitosis. I never drew any shields, and stood no chance. 2-4
Spoiler for G7:

Had a 7 pillar hand and mulled into 6 pillars, but I can't really afford to go to lower. This was pretty much a free win once I drew a few creatures since he was on SoR-Steam Machines, which gets destroyed by RT. 3-4
Spoiler for G8:

I was expecting a slower creature deck like SoP again, and got my wish with a material NT deck. I was hoping for Shockwaves/Tstorms, as they would've let me kill his threats easily while I hid behind BW, but alas, instead I drew all 6 weapons and no animates until I had basically already lost. 3-5


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I thought at least serp would give it a shot ...
:chroma :gravity :time


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I conceded proto-guilds Cardinal to kirbylover314 immediately before. I'ven't aspiration


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  • RNJesus > Hard Counter
All decks used in D2D vs Terroking were legal. D2D is the new Master of Material. Congratulations! Here, have a cookie!
So apparently I can fly now


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Fippe94 5-0 ji412jo

jijo is forfeiting, and has apparently talked to you GOs already about it.


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  • RNJesus > Hard Counter
He hinted that he was, and when I asked for confirmation, he didn't reply.
So apparently I can fly now