Things that need implemented to implement this:
-Force player to use specific deck
-Pre-battle text screen (should be optional for quests generally) that works exactly like post-battle text screen.
Things that would be really nice to implement along with this:
-Check box (default checked) saying "Play tutorial" upon account creation. If it remains checked, when they're done creating account, it takes them immediately to the start of the first quest.
Where this should be placed on potatotal:
-Ideally in the short term (until we makeover quests), make the "water" a region (in the sense of "if player clicks on map not on an otherwise-defined region), with the question mark button above potatotal. If not this, icy caves seems to have the fewest quests, so move them to a different region and make that the tutorial region.
-I don't even care about trying to place it on the island at this point, so I'm totally cool with them just being in order down a column on the left side of the screen. There will be several different advanced tutorials when I finish writing them, so doing each column as one tutorial "category" works for now and will make it easier to separate out the various additional tutorials when I build them.
-I don't remotely care about how ugly this is. We'll be killing potatotal anyways.
The bolded title should be the mouseover description. Player stats should be normal (100 hp, 1 markpower, 1 drawpower). Opponent hp varies, but drawpower/markpower are always 1.
There should be no shinies. If any accidentally slipped through, please let me know. Also adding cards past 6 doesn't respect "toggle shiny".