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[Darkness/Aether][Champion/Arena 1][Upgraded][Wide Rush] Night Phantom


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Rather self-explanatory contraption. Broken Mirror with Eclipse gives pretty quick and resistant source of damage, Dagger + Mantle are for sustenance. Lightnings are for CC and can be directed at opponent's face for damage.
Reflective shields are instant Game Over. Quick PC played at our main pieces, repeated mass CC and bigger creatures are also issue but not as big. Generally pretty fun deck to play.


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Funny seeing this, just last weekend noticed it while flipping through game duration stats by deck. Good stuff


  • Global Moderator
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    • Posts: 1524
Maybe Phantom shouldn't cost 0
But Fractal gates consistency, made more inconsistent by half the damage waiting on Eclipse, & having to get the token out while dodging PC for a turn pushes the consistency off a tad more
« Last Edit: May 25, 2023, 04:04:45 am by serprex »