Fortune Teller R4 and Event is now ended. Congratulations to Naii_the_Baf for winning. The Bonus R5 will open soon and be open to any player that signs up. Rewards will be forum PM-ed soon.
R4 + R3 + R2 points + R1 points =Naii_the_Baf 13 + 10 + 10 + 15
= 48*Timpa 12 + 15+ 11 + 10
= 48*Serprex 7 + 12 + 17 + 11
= 47Hitei 12+ 11 + 8 + 14
= 45Turlutu 9 + 5 + 8 + 5
= 27* Naii won 3 of 4 matches vs. Timpa and earns the event win by h2h tiebreaker
Thanks to all participants for terrific activity, communication, and sportsmanship. The ruleset was dense, but players still made it through with a good attitude. Feedback on the event and pvp in general is welcome. If the event helped you rethink cards and their uses, interesting combos, gameplay, balance, etc. comment on that. I'll add a few decks/ideas I saw amongst players that were pretty cool. Asdw152 is planning the next event after the Fortune Teller R5 Bonus.
Neat decks, ideas, combos:Naii's R4 deck; nice synergy b/w Alchemist and Martyr: adrena-rage-Ugas-Ls all interact; lighting self explanatory multi-use; backed by vagger-fog combo. Deflag is good, but easily replaced for other tech.
Naii's R4 Pixiegon with owl-wind twist; the owl and scattering wind combo is nice, much less common for wind to be used on opponent and owl gives insight on how best to use SW; pixie could cc opponent creature after or before SW depending on opponent quanta although its almost always better used on self.
Serprex's R3 deck; A domino deck; A threesome of heat mirror, soul catcher, and grey nymph; a shy fractal gets the party going and the bonerwall gets bigger; spite all lonely and outclassed by heat mirror.
Hitei's R3 'Sacrifice' deck; use 9 arcanas in a deck, get the bonus, and sacrifice 1 deck...except it got at least 3 wins; some odd synergy, needs draw power, and could be modified into a more serious 60 card deck; seeing how much chroma 60 card 'the decks' were played, seems there is a lot of room to explore variants; Serprex inspired Clepsydra splash
Turlututu's R4 'Immo Spite Vindicate'; The
main version uses nova as a quanta base and is creatureless; Turlu's version begs exploration with an immo + sobrave base; maybe ferro golem, too. I
'd like to try it with Jack o' lantern synergizing with Writ of Vindi (Shadows double damage on death) Turns out it is reduced-synergy (spite/jack/vindi), but jack + vindi, alone, is nice.
Hitei's R4 'Ferro Touch'; the seedling idea is neat: ferro draws weps both players, both draws pump axe, and touch is ready for opponent wep while again increasing draw/axe; the idea grew to the 2nd deck you see with lifesmith and could still be explored - this got 6 plies btw but is inconsistent; Also, watching the video for
Statis Axe led to watching a great apartment tour.
Hitei's R4 'Give Thermal Recoil' combo, another seedling idea, i think we have a creative deckbuilder in the addition to a factory of card ideas