Arena leaderboard now allows viewing arena deck codes. So, before grinding arena, one's best off checking what the top few decks are in order to maximize headhunter bonus & the top ranked decks are the most likely to face
This thread is to generally work out which decks work vs which metas. Help appreciated
I'll start with jot notes
rushes without DR or mass CC: alphabond
monosofr: sosa, particularly quad variants with heal/sod, caveman
monosow: reflective+sow, fungus
jank: catagon, fungus
monosofr: sosa harder to pull off, needs more consistency, neurososa seems better here
monofire: adrenalpuffer/hogjuv if no cc, geodiss+pa if no bolts
rainbowstall: fungus, patcell
pande3: fungus, caveman, cells, bloodcell, thorndemic