oEtG Forum

Spammy Chat Users


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    • Posts: 176
There are some people (or one person?) spamming Chat with very long strings that make it unusable for normal chatting.

Not sure how to report people, but just check string length of recent posts and it should be obvious.

UI suggestion:
- Make chat posts auto-hide remainder after some length, and expand / shrink on click
- Make it easy to ignore / un-ignore people on Chat


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    • Posts: 1544
/mute user: if no user specified, mute chat entirely
/unmute user: if no user specified, unmute chat entirely
/muteguest: mute all guests
/unmuteguest: unmute all guests

there are chat mods too, but I need to improve chat mod command documentation since for years we've been okay
« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 11:44:04 pm by serprex »