OL2Spoiler for updated decks:
dbhbow got +throw rock
sopawarden (credit Shinki)
FFQ (forgot to post last season, credit CG)
2-0 kirby
vader vs neurodials (BW wtf)
bnymph vs immortal (no reflective)
0-2 kirby
monotime vs neurodials
psiontal vs thedeck
0-2 kirby
firelight beats 1 blue nymph
firelight doesn't beat the deck after 3 SoDs
innont outrushed by grabbow with fast fog
2-1 lin
monotime vs speedpoison (no draw power, only drew a pharaoh. Almost outraced)
dbhbow vs emerald pillars + water mark
ricorock vs adrenalstaves
1-2 kirby
innorico really helps grabbow
ricorocks fast reflective vs UG
ricorocks can't deal with arse & spirit of grabbow
(Nymph Queen nerf)
2-1 TLoD
dbhbow locks vs airlight
shadow cries vs firelight
innont rolls vs firelight (really slow start, midas'd own pillar, no inno)
2-0 timpa
pixiegon eeks out past devs vs vamptal
ricorocks fast reflective vs bnymph
2-0 LiN
immo outpaces SoSebow
goose wins with 1 card left vs sosa/chrys (LiN forgot arse)
2-0 kirby
sopawarden vs sow/reflect/nymph (closer than expected)
luciwolf only needs wolves to beat rtpoison
2-0 kirby
neuro vs sow/reflect/nymph (closer than expected)
bnymph vs grabbow, had swave & fog
2-0 timpa
sopawarden vs NT/earth
luciwolf vs patcell (he removed sopa the turn before hope)
1-2 Odin
fast sopawarden vs voodoowarden
pixiegon gets locked by monotime
bluenymph locked by voodoowarden's trident
2-0 gomory
alchbow outcontrols funrock
warden misplay nearly loses to funrock
2-1 kirby
alchbow loses to grabbow (AM could've saved? Don't know, I suck)
fast trident warden beats ricorock
thedeck gets pulvy in time vs UG (honorable mention to Clepsydra)
0-2 D2D
dbhbow can't stop sorgon (should)
shadowrush loses to monolightstall
0-3 Shinki
discord locks luciwolf
(invalid) warden loses to minomare
neurodials loses to thedeck
0-2 kirby
immorush can't get through thedeck
ricorock40 vs neurobw
2-1 timpa
thedeck couldn't stabilize vs monotime30
monotime60 > monotime30
pixiegon outraces 2-pillar innont
1-2 kirby
slow unnt dies to neurobw
misplayed ffq outraces grabbow
pixiegon vs neurobw loses
0-2 LiN
sadarm loses to SoSebow's fog
monotime vs neurobw, 2nd inno would've let me mill for win
1-2 sky
ricorock bigger than immortal
dbhbow loses to immortal
innont loses to grabbow
0-2 kirby
candy vs grabbow (need faster pacify vs arsenic)
ricorock40 vs firelight is a joke
2-0 gomory
goose vs monoentropy (discord/RT locks dragons)
dbhbow disrupts geotk enough
0-2 sky
goose locks bnymphs (UG pushed me rather low tho)
monotime's Eternity beats immortal
2-0 Dawn
Ghostmare gets fast eternity vs soirush
Shadowrush wins with 0 cards vs monolightstall
2-1 kirby
goose vs firelight wins with much destroy & sofo
thedeck vs fast grabbow is sadface
dbhbow locks neurobw
2-1 lin
grabbow vs sosebow, didn't outrush
monotime vs alphabond: SoR/Scarab ftw
fast unwarden locks chrys, break SoPa early to bust BWs
1-2 kirby
monoaether vs grabbow only dragon/sow/dims in top half of deck
luciwolf vs neurobw RT keeps me from 2nd wolf too long
shadowrush vs thedeck ugh
2-1 Fippe
uninst wins vs firebw with 7 cards left
goose loses vs monoentro (I made a singu because I suck)
ricorocks pulls through vs tridentbow
2-0 sky
bnymph vs immortal without reflective
bnymph vs immo (Deflag forced on OE to save Golem, thanks fog)
2-1 lin
immorush vs fungus had the dryspells it needed
pixiegon vs shifterotk? they had no time, so busted
dbhbow rushes innosose without denial
0-2 mega
dbhbow vs sopalem loses to domin
pixiegon vs dryfungus sofr didn't proc once for 6 dragons
2-1 kirby
unsoraoh vs neurobw, won with calculated 1hp
neurodials vs thedeck I swear that's all neurodials gets to face
bnymph vs thedeck prevails
2-1 lin
bnymph beats innosose
soraoh vs innosose without pharaoh is sad
pixiegon's fog beats alphabond
2-0 shinki
sopawarden 3ttk vs thedeck (2ttk if not for SoG)
pixiegon eeks by mono entropy (fog blocks nothing)
2-1 kirby
fungus vs neurobw, only 2 pillars whole game, died with bond in hand
innont outraces monont
thedeck outstalls grabbow (first pande was double PU, so won relatively fast)
2-1 Shinki
regradeotk vs wingedelves
dbhbow could win vs sanctsog if I hadn't played discord into thorn
monotime's pharaoh breaks sanctsog
& I thought OL1 was stally. Psiontal let me down vs The Deck. There was a period of time where I didn't tryhard & ran goose/ricorock. I never got to go against The Deck with ricorock, so I don't know if it wins like I think it does (that's why I brought it into my set of decks, after all)