For future proofing against chat silliness, I've added chat mods. Chat mods can be listed with the command /mod
modguest x | turn off guest chat if x is off, otherwise turn it on |
modmute x | /mute x for all users |
modadd x | add x as a mod |
modrm x | remove x as a mod |
modclear | /clear for all users |
modmotd x msg | set motd x to msg |
Because I don't know where else to put this, Codesmiths (currently myself, cg, & Fippe94) can use the following command: /code CODE, where CODE works as follows:
A '!' prefix means the code is for a shiny of the remaining code
An 'upped' prefix means the code is for an upped version of the remaining code
The suffix remaining is one of the following: mark, pillar, rare, shard, nymph
Also there are gold codes & card codes. 'G108' for 108g & 'C4vl' for a Discord