2335 cg "shank of gratitude" is going to be interesting to figure out
2335 cg i feel like trying to figure out how to give it an ability named "thanks of gratitude"
2336 cg shank of gratitude can be the gift on a stick that everyone wants
2336 cg "shark of patience" should probably have 0 hp, since sharks aren't allowed to stop moving long enough to be patient or they DIE
2336 cg this is going to be the best set of new cards ever.
2337 cg how have i gotten this far into this without fippe saying "no fun allowed"
2337 cg "shank of patience" probably needs to delay whatever it damages
2338 cg "shark of serendipity" gets random hp/atk
2338 cg "shank of serendipity" randomly chaos seeds a random opponent target
2340 cg "shark of focus" can be gpull on a stick that only targets opponent's stuff
2340 cg "shank of focus" can get more stats the less other stuff you have in play
2340 cg i hope somebody is writing this down because it's GOLD, GOLD i tell you
2341 cg shank of gratitude is give on a stick, and in pvp, when used, forces opponent to say "thanks" in chat
2342 cg not really sure on shark of gratitude
2342 cg tempted to just give it regen but meh
2346 cg shark of freedom gets built-in evade
2346 cg shank of freedom can have uh shield bypass maybe and be immune to freeze/delay maybe