Credits to Kirby. Yeah, imo it's a better name than Durability.

It should be easy to implement, just combine the effects of the shields.
DR + DR = more DR
DR + special effect = add DR and special effect
special + special = cast both specials. The logical order of the casting should be the first shield's effect first.
Stack + stack = add stacks & increment shield's stack with both counters (i.e. bone wall + pancakes increments 2 per death and 1 per draw)
Timers remain, so dim shield + bone wall dies in 2/3 turns no matter the stacks
Miss chance should be recalculated to prevent Mantle x2 abuse. Maybe the same as the Chimera formula so it doesn't reach 100%? That's ((A+B + 300)^-1 + 100^-1)^-1, where A and B are the miss chance of the shields. The 300 is an arbitrary number so that 2 Mantles get 75% chance of missing, it's balanceble.
Useful for:
Fog + bone Wall = 40% chance of removing a stack, same for Fog + Pancakes
Fog + specials: 40% chance of hitting. If hit, the special effect is casted.
Special + fog: Special is casted and there's 40% chance of missing
Carpace + DR
etc + etc
Also, considering that the rush meta is lower than in etg, the cost should be also lowered, maybe 2/1?