oEtG Forum


Chapuz · 13 · 10908


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Credits to Kirby. Yeah, imo it's a better name than Durability. LINK


It should be easy to implement, just combine the effects of the shields.

DR + DR = more DR
DR + special effect = add DR and special effect
special + special = cast both specials. The logical order of the casting should be the first shield's effect first.
Stack + stack = add stacks & increment shield's stack with both counters (i.e. bone wall + pancakes increments 2 per death and 1 per draw)
Timers remain, so dim shield + bone wall dies in 2/3 turns no matter the stacks
Miss chance should be recalculated to prevent Mantle x2 abuse. Maybe the same as the Chimera formula so it doesn't reach 100%? That's ((A+B + 300)^-1 + 100^-1)^-1, where A and B are the miss chance of the shields. The 300 is an arbitrary number so that 2 Mantles get 75%  chance of missing, it's balanceble.

Useful for:
Fog + bone Wall = 40% chance of removing a stack, same for Fog + Pancakes
Fog + specials: 40% chance of hitting. If hit, the special effect is casted.
Special + fog: Special is casted and there's 40% chance of missing
Carpace + DR
etc + etc

Also, considering that the rush meta is lower than in etg, the cost should be also lowered, maybe 2/1?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 02:45:09 am by Chapuz »


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Lost in Nowhere

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As for evasion shields, why does it seem like nobody every considers that the evasion chance could stack multiplicatively? By this, I mean, if you used this to combine two fog shields, attacking creatures would have a 40% chance to miss, and then another 40%, which totals to 64%.


  • The Meta of Christmas Past
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As for evasion shields, why does it seem like nobody every considers that the evasion chance could stack multiplicatively? By this, I mean, if you used this to combine two fog shields, attacking creatures would have a 40% chance to miss, and then another 40%, which totals to 64%.



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  • Espithel
I guess I'll just say that I'd prefer this in an element with 3 shields - light, entropy, gravity.

It makes sense for earth to have this defensive element about it, but its tastes in shields is quite boring - Some mono implication with this card would be quite interesting.


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So what Esp is saying is that Earth could use a 3rd shield


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What about "Combine your shield with target shield"? This way you can select the same shield for more DR, the opponent's shield for trolling or a shield in your hand


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I like this. Although there should probably be some kind of limits placed on it. Chaining this with a lot of shields could potentially make it OP. Would need testing. If it is OP, it may be necessary to allow the last played shield to be retained.

As for miss chance, it should be calculated multiplicatively to prevent going over 100%.

Eg. Shield 1 has miss chance A, shield 2 has miss chance B, combined = 1 - (1-A)*(1-B)

So for fog shield (40%) and mantle (50%) you get: 1 - (1-.4)*(1-.5) = 1-(.6)*(.5) = 1-.3 = 70% miss chance

If this makes it in, I have a few art ideas for it.


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If you want to stack miss chance multiplicatively, (e.g. rate1 and rate2) then use the formula:
miss rate = 1 - (1-rate1) * (1-rate2)

so in the case of a stacking shield (which has a miss chance of R0 at first stack):
R(N) = 1 - (1-R(N-1)) * (1-R0)
this is a recurrence relation which solves to (thank goodness for wolfram alpha its non-homogeous and a surprising pain to deal with):

R(N) = 1 - (1-R0)^n

For reference here is a table on the miss rate chance based on the %miss per stack after a given number of stacks:

        5.00%   10.00%   15.00%   20.00%   25.00%   30.00%
1   5.00%   10.00%   15.00%   20.00%   25.00%   30.00%
2   9.75%   19.00%   27.75%   36.00%   43.75%   51.00%
3   14.26%   27.10%   38.59%   48.80%   57.81%   65.70%
4   18.55%   34.39%   47.80%   59.04%   68.36%   75.99%
5   22.62%   40.95%   55.63%   67.23%   76.27%   83.19%
6   26.49%   46.86%   62.29%   73.79%   82.20%   88.24%
7   30.17%   52.17%   67.94%   79.03%   86.65%   91.76%
8   33.66%   56.95%   72.75%   83.22%   89.99%   94.24%
9   36.98%   61.26%   76.84%   86.58%   92.49%   95.96%
10   40.13%   65.13%   80.31%   89.26%   94.37%   97.18%
11   43.12%   68.62%   83.27%   91.41%   95.78%   98.02%
12   45.96%   71.76%   85.78%   93.13%   96.83%   98.62%

I drew the table out to 12 stacks because double draw arena decks could get that many going with single stacking of the shield... or if we go with the repulsor set up where upped gives 2 stacks.
At 12 stacks anything past 10% to 15% base per stack is going to be nigh unhittable.

Unfortunately, a miss chance of 10% to 15% is pretty negligible in terms of game play, so players would need to be able to stack the first couple easily to make the shield worthwhile...

I'll leave further analysis up to others.


  • The Meta of Christmas Past
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If this makes it in, I have a few art ideas for it.

If you do make art, can I use it so I can submit this to crucible?


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If this makes it in, I have a few art ideas for it.

If you do make art, can I use it so I can submit this to crucible?
Of course. As always any art I make here is free for others to use, modify, etc. (just put me in the art notes of course ;)  ).