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Shard of Incompletion

Zaranir · 18 · 15766


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Shard of Incompletion / Shard of Incompletion
Cost: 1 :chroma / 1 :chroma
Stats (if creature or weapon): -
  • unupgraded: Generates 2 shard to your hand matching your mark. Decrements your Mark power by 1.
  • upgraded:  Generates 2 shard to your hand matching your mark. Decrements your Mark power by 1.

Description / clarification

It does not generate if your Mark power is 0. Generates random shards with Chroma Mark. Unupped generates unupped shards, upped generates upped.

Basically a 7. shard where it's needed (?), for 1+1 quanta loss at the turn and 1 more in every other turn.

Questionable power in Voidstall, can be abused with Metamorphosis.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 02:12:30 am by Zaranir »


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Shards would have to be really OP for this to be viable


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I've just thought that as an optional thing (like, for better drawing chances) and to have a shard for Other (and because it'll fit in a lot of deck, it shouldn't be too powerful).

But if it's UP, then it could be free to play ( but the decreasing will stay) .


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A 30-card deck with 12 SoSacs is something I wouldn't like to see.


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that would have to include 5 metamorphosis as well, so not much space left for both quanta and damage.


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Plus, SoSac is not that hard to get around if it's the only healing you have (the reason sactap is not dominant even in PvE)
:chroma :gravity :time


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Asking if there's any suggestion about it. If it's not good enough I can make a different shard idea for Other.


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I kind of like it, I just think its a little underpowered. It gives too little back for the cost.
Have it generate 2 shards of mark's element then. That makes it worth the card space to include metamorphosis.

For instance, think of the shard of void combo. With this you can get 18 shards of void... thats actually probably quite potent.
Also, consider Shard of Integrity combo, being able to flush out the ratio of integrity shards to other shards could be very useful in tuning the stats and abilities of the golem you get.

Speaking of shard golems... How would this interact?


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I kind of like it, I just think its a little underpowered. It gives too little back for the cost.
Have it generate 2 shards of mark's element then. That makes it worth the card space to include metamorphosis.

For instance, think of the shard of void combo. With this you can get 18 shards of void... thats actually probably quite potent.
Also, consider Shard of Integrity combo, being able to flush out the ratio of integrity shards to other shards could be very useful in tuning the stats and abilities of the golem you get.

I don't dare to think over what would happen in Arena2, like with 155 HP 5x Mark 30 card mono deck (you don't have to use Metamorph, basically 4-5 turn win, even with only 16 generateable Void)

But I'm not against the power up, just not sure if it would not make it too powerful in Arena2

Speaking of shard golems... How would this interact?

Hmm... good question: I think it's only a raw shard material, so it should give no ability, but good stats as it's not refined yet. How about it?


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Regarding SoV I think that sharks would be more effective (and already in-game).
:chroma :gravity :time


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Regarding SoV I think that sharks would be more effective (and already in-game).

Actually, shard upped has 6 cost and this would cost 1  :chroma +2  :darkness and some more later. You can get these out way faster than the sharks, can't be lobotomized and more defended (as 2 permanent).


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No, you can't get these out faster, since you need 2 cards for each to play except the first.


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No, you can't get these out faster, since you need 2 cards for each to play except the first.

I've forgotten to mention, but I thought it in Arena2, where you can easily put your Mark x5 up and (nearly) don't need the Metamorph


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Sure, but having a card that sucks except in arena is not the way to go.


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Sure, but having a card that sucks except in arena is not the way to go.


If there's no suggestion against it, I'll change the card text tomorrow.