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Resurrection Stone


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Resurrection Stone / Resurrection Stone
Cost: 4 :light / 4 :light
Stats (if creature or weapon): -NA-
  • unupgraded: " :time :time Store target creature's state. When it leaves play, resurrect it to the stored state and reaready this card."
  • upgraded: " :time Store target creature's state. When it leaves play, resurrect it to the stored state and reaready this card."

Allows the player to keep a target alive (potentially indefinitely). When the creature is resurrected, it will have all of the stats, statuses, buffs, etc. that it had at the time it was targeted for this effect.

Multiple stones can target the same creature. In that case, only 1 stone triggeres per death. So multiple stones would effectively give multiple successive resurrections. Priority would be given in reverse order of use. I.e. the latest used stone goes first.

This effect also triggers if the creature leaves play without dying. I.e. it can synnergy with eternity to replicate creatures (albeit much less efficiently than most other methods).

I have a photon in play.
I cast luciferin and use a resurrection stone on it.
Next turn I cast blessing on it and use another resurrection stone.

My opponent hits it with a shockwave.
The second stone triggers and I get back a 4|4 photon with "light"
My opponent hits it with a rewind
The first stone triggers and I get back a 1|1 photon with "light" and next turn I will draw the original photon again.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 04:58:53 pm by OdinVanguard »