oEtG Forum

Card Idea Integration: Crossover with EtGCom CI&A

hyroen · 8 · 7479


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With the advent of Cygnia, it is evident that how cards are introduced into either Cygnia or oEtG have separate mechanisms, which I hope to address as well in the EtGCom forums. With this in consideration, I'm sure no one has doubts that oEtG will continue to grow, and thus, new card ideas may be introduced.

As new card ideas will be introduced I think it may be a good idea to begin a discussion of how ideas are introduced into oEtG while keeping in consideration that CI&A of EtGCom still has a system which is settling and solidifying, and no doubt has its flaws which I'm sure will be worked out with time. I am aware that oEtG forums have a voting system for card ideas as well, however we should consider what potential issues it faces or may face from the perspective of:
  • Players of oEtG,
  • Game Coders,
  • Card Designers &
  • Crossover with EtGCom CI&A

This thread can be used as a starting point to be transparent and clarify what the rationale is behind idea additions to oEtG, apart from a relatively unstructured voting process.

Furthermore we may want to open a board that showcases specifically the cards that have been added to the EtG base, with each having its own page showing how oEtG expands on it.
Hyroen on Elements Community


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oetg's card pool grows less through forum votes than through github pull requests. Since we don't get many pull requests it ends up being whomever between Fippe & I decide what to implement. The forum acts as a medium to discuss more than a process to decide

« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 07:25:47 pm by serprex »


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So it's kind of by loosely guided arbitrary, convenient, choice?
Hyroen on Elements Community


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Yes, it works mostly because we don't get nearly the same volume of card ideas as in EtGComm
:chroma :gravity :time


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Might it not be best to implement a system that will promote desired cards, while pushing and keeping design standards ever higher regardless of the volume of card ideas?

Of course, we did see the downfall of the CI&A of EtGCom so that exact system might not be ideal, but I'm sure something a little more structured can be established to more effectively pave the way for the (potential) growth of oEtG.
Hyroen on Elements Community


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Your system skirts around the issue of actually implementing cards. Applying protocols to what I program is not the solution. Part of this is why Cygnia came about: people from the community who are not-serprex take on responsibility to implement cards the community desires while I continue to program whatever-serprex-feels-like because a lot of what I program isn't cards

I have a job where I get paid to program what people tell me to. This is not that job

Something anyone who wants to talk about what I develop needs to understand is that I am not looking for a userbase; it's incidental


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Your system skirts around the issue of actually implementing cards. Applying protocols to what I program is not the solution. Part of this is why Cygnia came about: people from the community who are not-serprex take on responsibility to implement cards the community desires while I continue to program whatever-serprex-feels-like because a lot of what I program isn't cards

I have a job where I get paid to program what people tell me to. This is not that job

Something anyone who wants to talk about what I develop needs to understand is that I am not looking for a userbase; it's incidental

I prefer this method of programming. Instead of applying strict protocols and treating the game like its a sacred piece that is never to be tampered with, having serprex program what he feels belongs into the game is much more layed back and seems to work pretty smoothly. He is a good person to have doing it, since he will generally implement things if he feels like there is a good reason too.

On the otherhand, etg implemented things so conservatively that having your card be added was a small miracle, and it didn't matter if it was well designed or not.


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Something to note is that as the cardpool has grown I've realized that I really should've delved further into the concept of sets which divide the cardpool into a mix of different metas rather than one big soup of cards. It's always neat to be able to see a particular card do well in one set & be ignored in another. But it'd bring in quite a few design complications. PvE becomes an open question as to how much it cares; do you have realms that ban various sets? Then one has to have some kind of realm UI & deck management gets annoying. PvP itself could come up with rules by players themselves. But it'd be nice if we implemented support for things. Chicken Egg issue there