Simple deck which avoids quanta-draining, has some CC, and grows damage pretty quickly -- not as fast as Tempering could, but all the spells are in-color for the Spiritual Pillars.
On a good draw I can put a Blessing on a Vampiric Dagger, then on further rounds Bless it further, and then Endow that blessed darkness on my Crusaders.
Good idea. But, Shtriga, Thorn Carapace, and Crusader do cost some quanta in the early game.
Indeed they do.
The key is that Shtriga costs Dark to grow, so you only need to hit the high Death count once to get rolling. Dark is otherwise only used for small expenditures (VDag) or spells (Steal / Embezzle).
Light quanta are a bit starved. Blessing and Crusaders and the Crusader ability all compete for those.
Thorn Carapace is only competing with Georesonators, and Geos are cheap.
My better early games have me spending 2 Dark (VDag) -> 2 Light (Bless the VDag) and maybe 2 Life (Geo) on the 1st or 2nd turn. I'll usually try to build up a few Blessings on a VDag before using Endow. It's not uncommon to have a round where I get to Endow 3+ times and that ends the game.