I'll explain my idea for trio pendulums and why I think they're a good idea.
Basically, they put the thematic trios just like the quartet pillars tie the quartets together.
There are 4 of them:
Spaced pendulum (
Grounded pendulum (
Active pendulum (
Passive pendulum (
The trios I chose have some advantages to any other trios:
- They are perpendicular to the quartets (Each trio contains a material element, a cardinal element, and a spiritual element)
- They work with the duos: Notice that the spaced trio elements are opposite of the grounded trio elements, and the active trio elements are opposite of the passive trio elements.
- They make actual thematic sense (I'll explain if you disagree)
And the quanta they generate alternates between 1 and 2 of elements randomly chosen from the trio. A person using them can only have a quanta advantage if he/she uses all three of the generated elements. Use just two, and you'd get the same rate of quanta generation more consistently using a pendulum. And using just one... just get a pillar.