oEtG Forum

Patch Notes

Fippe94 · 95 · 132576


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beguile: PU target if target is singularity
dg: raise cost/reward from 22/222 to 30/250
disc: raise cost by 1, reduce attack to 1/2, discping attacks target creature
bond: change upkeep cost to chroma
locket: remove default mode, enters generating chroma, not frozen, upped enters play hastened, can only target owned non-player non-chroma of different element
phantom: cost 1 chroma
broken mirror: raise cost by 1
epoch: remove silence
stasis: reduce cost by 1. Sanctify when discarded (also revise sanctuary text to not list cards)
bobbit: buff self by 2|2
tess: freeze self 2 turns after use
living weapon: always heal caster, always cost 1 :life, upped refunds caster cost of creature
cleps: reduce charges to 3
dream catcher: raise cost by 1
sofo: go back to 15/45 instead of 10/30
upped unsummon: reduce cost by 1
repulsor: reduce unupped cost by 1
earthquake: trigger multiple destruction events, destroy 4 stacks
trident: reduce cost of active by 1, destroy 2 stacks
vagger: reduce cost by 1, bringing it back to original cost
steam machine: golem
stone dragon: golem
static field: change cost to 2/2, unupped only deals 1 spell damage to opponent
embezzle: reduce cost by 1, reduce mill by 1
« Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 06:54:42 pm by serprex »


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8 shields, bringing all elements up to 3 shields

Death: Plague Mask
Earth: Stonewall
Life: Slime Shield
Fire: Wicked Shield
Water: Mist Mantle
Time: Appreciation
Air: Stormshield
Aether: Hush

Reduce Procrastination cost by 1
Reduce Shell of Void DR by 1
Reduce cost of Brawl to 16/13

2 spells:
Death: Frailty
Light: Dispersion
« Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 02:32:34 am by serprex »


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Frailty: unupped costs 1, upped reduces charges to 1
Dispersion: cost 7/5
Ice Shield: freeze chance changed to one third
Gravity Shield: add platearmor1 active costing 2 earth
Stasis: heal caster 1/2 per hand size of target
Byt: unupped is 0|5, cannot self target
Golem Defender: increment upped cost to 5
Wicked Shield: upped dr halving rounds up
Sabbath: unupped costs 2, upped sanctifies on draw
Infected: raise unupped cost to 5, raise stats to 8|6 / 8|8, raise self poison to 3/4
Pink Jelly: raise cost to 5/4, reduce hp to 2
Sinkhole: don't silence creature
Sadism: don't overheal lethal poison damage
Time Bomb: 0|2 / 0|4, upped does 2 self damage
Stormshield: only mill pillars, remove immaterial
« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 03:12:17 pm by serprex »


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Tiny patch, overall things looking good. Also recently reduced arena hp by 20

Dispersion: don't discard target card
Corpse Explosion: +1 damage per 5hp instead of per 8hp
Ouija: change upkeep to chroma, add effect like +1 maxhp if opponent's hand is full
Charger: 4|7 / 7|4
Skull Shield: don't affect non-ranged


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Also: tornado now shatters all frozen permanents & Firebrand has an active :light reveal opponent's hand. Lodestone increases DR of shields by 1

« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 05:10:25 pm by serprex »