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Series Idea (Gloves)


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Gloves are a unique permanent that buff equipped weapons or shields passively and / or have an active skill that interacts / makes use of the equipped weapon or shield.
If multiple are in play, only the last one played or activated grants its passive bonus.
I.e. you can use the active skill from multiple gloves in a turn, but only the last one you use or play will provide its non-activated buff.
Ideas so far:

Warden's Gauntlets
"Gloves: Increment shield DR.
:earth Attack a non-flying target with your weapon. Ranged weapons may target flyers."

Monk's Handwraps
"Gloves: Disarm equipped weapons that strike you.
:light Increment your attack damage (even when unarmed)."

Stormchaser's Gloves
"Gloves: +25% shield evasion.
:air Weapon gains 50% chance to deal +50% damage or bypass shields this turn."

Sandstorm Bracers
"Gloves: Grants 20% shield rewind chance.
:time Return random enemy permanent to owner's hand."

Reaper's Handshrouds
"Gloves: Enemy death effects increment weapon damage.
:death Sacrifice a skeleton. Shield blocks +2 attacks. Repeatable."

Vandal's Grips
"Gloves: Weapon may destroy enemy permanent on hit.
:fire Shield absorbs 5 damage per destruction this turn."

Ricci's Ring
"Gloves: Shield aborbs enemy quanta per trigger.
:gravity Quanta absorb increments next weapon strike damage."

Penrose Palm Sigil
"Gloves: Shield scrambles a random pool per trigger.
:entropy Scramble increments next weapon strike damage."

Gaussian Handguards
"Gloves: Psionic weapon
:aether : Shield absorbs physical damage equal to spell damage dealt this turn."

Wrangler's Knuckleguard
"Gloves: Increments weapon damage per owned creature.
:life Shield absorbs 1 damage per owned creature this turn."

Cat Burgalar's Mittens
"Gloves: Increments weapon damage per permanent theft.
:darkness +5% shield evasion this turn per cloaked permanent."
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 08:15:35 pm by OdinVanguard »

Dawn to Dusk

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i find a few of these to be OP namely, stormchaser and sandstorm

75% miss chance with dusk shield seems incredibly OP and multiple rewinds a turn could potentially be too strong


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i find a few of these to be OP namely, stormchaser and sandstorm

75% miss chance with dusk shield seems incredibly OP and multiple rewinds a turn could potentially be too strong
Shield evasion effects (and other probability / percentage effects) stack multiplicatively to avoid having evade chance exceed 100% and to prevent just the kind of over stacking you note. This has been discussed in stackable evasion shield threads already.

So for dusk shield, Evade chance = ( 1 - (1-.25)*(1-.5) ) =  (1 - .75 * .5) = (1 - .375) = .625
so its 62.5% evasion not 75%.
Diminishing returns are innately built in under this model as well so it helps balancing quite a bit.
Of course, 62.5% is still pretty powerful but I'ld have to see some testing data to know if its truly OP or not.

For the sandstorm. Yes multiple winds a turn could be very powerful, allowing draw lock potentially... but this only occurs if there are a lot of creatures in play.
At 20%, this means that you would only see multiple winds consistently when there are more than 10 creatures in play (I think)...
The main point is to discourage swarm tactics. I haven't done hardcore math on the probabilities yet, but at 5 creatures you would see an average of 1 rewind per turn (with P(1) ~ 50% I think). The distribution of P(#rewinds) would be binomial and can be tuned.
I think there is a sort of analogy to flooding here so that may serve as a starting point for balancing.


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What's the reason to discourage swarm decks?


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What's the reason to discourage swarm decks?
It synnergies with Eternity and Rewind which typically discourage stompies.

It also takes the place of a mass CC effect. Something time doesn't have easy access too (scarabs come close but can be slow to get rolling).

I'm not 100% set on going with these particular effects, they just fit nicely thematically, should be relatively straightforward to implement and seemed relatively utilitarian for their respective elements.

The stormchaser effect could be inverted if it seems like the shield evade is the stronger effect. I.e. activate provides 1 turn shield evade bonus and passive provides 50% SoFr to equipped weapon.
Same for sandstorm effect. E.g. weapon unsummons a permanent on hit and activation provides one turn of shield rewind chance buff.

If the multiple rewind is really too over the top, it could also be limited to one proc per turn or something... or you could make it repeatable and each use increments the maximum number allowed on that turn.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 02:51:20 am by OdinVanguard »


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Eternity & Procrast are mass CC

Mass CC is usually a route to card advantage as opposed to 1-for-1 trades that single target CC represents. RT is card advantage tho, as is time's card draw