: Hero's Destiny/Courage/Legendary
Cost: ~6



Creatures you control cannot attack for 6 turns(adding a graphic by the name similar to sosac), add a shield as sword at random from your deck and put it into your hand, your opponent cannot target your shields/sword as long as this effect is active. Destroy both your shield and sword at the end of this effect and discard your hand.
Essentially, the idea of this is to create a card that lets you grab any combination of shield and sword to fight as though you were battling alone. Spells are still active, and having a shield that can't be destroyed in play is amazing. Of course, this card is not without its downsides, requiring a player to use exclusively spells to win the game, and even have a block in play requiring them to do so asap.
Personally, my favorite part about the card is its potential to create a whole new genus of decks.