oEtG Forum

Lore and Storyline

timpa · 7 · 5523


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Decided to register this. There are some good ideas in here imo

2244 Shinki12345 Thoughts on making a story line?
2244 OdinVanguard I have some... got to get goin right now though
2244 OdinVanguard will be back on on monday though
2244 OdinVanguard l8r all
2244 Shinki12345 l8r odin
2245 Shinki12345 I have some neat ideas for story lines
2245 Shinki12345 Would be fun if we added a new piece of the story for each set of cards released in the game.
2251 Shinki12345 Hello?
2251 timpa hi
2251 Lost in Nowhere Hi.
2251 Shinki12345 Lol everyone went silent
2252 Lost in Nowhere It happens.
2252 Shinki12345 Was hoping to hear some feedback on the idea of creating a storyline for elements
2252 Lost in Nowhere It would be interesting...
2252 timpa I got nothing atm
2253 timpa but it looks like a good idea
2253 Lost in Nowhere There are certainly some interesting things that could be done with that.
2253 Shinki12345 What kind of world do you think elements is?
2253 Shinki12345 Landscape wise?
2253 Lost in Nowhere Rather ruined, I'd say.
2254 Shinki12345 I imagine it as a landscape of 13 realms with chroma at the center of it
2254 Shinki12345 Each realms entrance being a giant gate
2254 Shinki12345 With the landscapes within each one being different
2255 Shinki12345 Nothing too fleshed out, I figured thats how most people imagine it.
2256 Shinki12345 I feel like maybe thats a little boring though
2256 Lost in Nowhere Perhaps a bit
2256 Shinki12345 Maybe instead of lands being seperated by element
2256 timpa I think that makes sense as far as natural landscapes go
2256 Shinki12345 Have leylines of power that give rise to specific forms of energy
2257 Shinki12345 And have different parts of the world vary from one another, but in more of a natural sense. So if their happens to be a water and life leyline, it would be a swamp like area
2257 Shinki12345 Or maybe rainforest
2258 timpa this it reminds me a bit Exalted (tabletop rgp)
2258 timpa rpg'
2258 Shinki12345 Towers could be places in which the leylines are being harvested.
2258 timpa but it has only 5 elements so it's simpler
2300 Shinki12345 Timpa, were you the one who made the music for the game?
2300 timpa yes
2300 Shinki12345 You should try making more
2300 timpa I have some ideas
2301 Shinki12345 I like to listen to warcraft OST's for inspiration
2301 timpa one to substitute the opening one for something more cheerful
2301 timpa and another for coliseum
2302 Lost in Nowhere I have no idea how to make music sound cheerful.
2302 timpa the inspiration for one was "Conan" (the movie)
2303 timpa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBhIA6vmH-8
2303 Shinki12345 Hmm
2304 Shinki12345 Here is what I imagine as cheerful
2304 Shinki12345 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvlk8ngkfYU
2304 timpa it needs to be a bit cheerful/hopeful without losing the fantasy atmosphere
2305 timpa the one we have for the main theme fits fantasy well but is a bit melancholic, maybe we could use it or some quest
2306 Shinki12345 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PawbGrrCmnE
2306 Shinki12345 Maybe that?
2306 timpa both are on the same vein
2306 timpa this last one suggests action
2307 timpa is good for a battle (as the title says XD)
2307 Shinki12345 Lol yeah
2307 Shinki12345 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EvG5X1R5Cg
2307 Shinki12345 I have a bunch of OST's that I used to my ETG DND group
2308 Lost in Nowhere ...what?
2308 Shinki12345 Err
2308 Shinki12345 ETG RPG
2308 Shinki12345 Not DND
2309 Lost in Nowhere Interesting
2309 Shinki12345 So
2309 Shinki12345 Going back to story
2309 Shinki12345 I think the first thing we need is to identify who the main charaters of it would be
2309 Shinki12345 Since all stories need main characters for the most part. Even MTG has main characters.
2310 Lost in Nowhere It does? Interesting.
2310 timpa and what the role of the protagonist (the PC) is
2310 Shinki12345 Warring nations seems pretty un-inspired
2311 Shinki12345 Any ideas for things aside from that?
2311 Shinki12345 Perhaps we would need a bad guy
2311 Lost in Nowhere Some sort of post-apocalyptic thing, as in magic destroyed civilization?
2311 Lost in Nowhere Probably not the most unique thing either
2312 Shinki12345 I think it would be more interesting to be pre-civilization
2313 Shinki12345 Like, tribal style
2313 Lost in Nowhere That would be interesting
2314 Lost in Nowhere I'm saying that quite a lot, aren't I?
2315 Shinki12345 Tribal paintings and tatoo's would be a bit more unique as armor than the usual steel plate that most RPG's use
2317 timpa the things that are already in game point more to a Schizo Tech world
2317 Shinki12345 Schizo tech?
2317 timpa http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SchizoTech
2317 timpa sorry for linking tvtropes XD
2318 Shinki12345 Hmm
2318 Shinki12345 It seems like we could go either direction
2318 Shinki12345 I only see a few things that give the impression of schizo tech
2319 Shinki12345 What in particular were you thinking of?
2320 timpa Clockwork Golem, Armagio, debris barricade
2320 timpa and we already have shields and swords
2320 Shinki12345 Armagio would be a bit tougher to explain, although clockwork golems can be excused as "Future technology" since they are time element.
2321 timpa I think you could squeeze these in as things that were found
2321 Shinki12345 Mhm
2321 timpa hinting to a lost civilization no one remembers
2321 Shinki12345 That would certainly be flavorful
2325 Shinki12345 Timpa, any ideas for main characters?
2326 timpa not really
2326 timpa knowing a bit the world would help
2327 Shinki12345 As creatures across the world discover and begin to harvest the powers of leylines, they begin to discover the apple of enlightenment
2327 Shinki12345 Figuratively, that is
2327 timpa I'll copy this stuff and post it in the forum
2328 timpa the main characters would then probably be explorers and local leaders
2328 Shinki12345 The power of the leylines begin to spawn conciousness and self awareness within a lucky few
2328 timpa and the protagonist (the player) could be one of these explorers unearthing these secrets
2329 Shinki12345 As they grow, they become more aware of who and what they are
2330 Shinki12345 They realize they have hidden powers, the knowledge of their own existence gives them the ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe itself
2331 timpa I think you could also link the demigods with the leylines
2331 Shinki12345 a small number, known as the sages, bring to light the 12 elements and the powers hidden within the.
2331 timpa old powerful beings awakening or something like that
2331 Shinki12345 Sounds good
2331 Chapuz, Shinki12345, Lost in Nowhere, timpa, OdinVanguard (afk), 1 other connection
2332 Shinki12345 As a result of the rapid evolution of the beings on the planet known as (insert name here)
2332 Shinki12345 Small groups of organized hunter gatherer societies have formed
2334 Shinki12345 How is that for a base line?
2334 timpa it has enough to develop
2335 Shinki12345 The protagonists would be newly awakened mages I guess
2336 Shinki12345 Hmm
2336 Shinki12345 Needs more meat I think
2337 Shinki12345 Maybe cthulu mythos
2338 timpa the feel I'm getting is a bit from exalted (the game I said earlier)
2339 Shinki12345 Oh
2339 Shinki12345 I just had a neat idea
2339 timpa in it there was a great civilization built by magical beings that was destroyed and their souls trapped.
2340 Shinki12345 What if the story goes that as the civilization grew, it eventually discovered a forgotten age of beings that were created ages before them, and sealed by an unknown source?
2341 Shinki12345 Lol, wow, that game seems really similar to my concept
2341 Shinki12345 I swear, all this is just from ideas coming into my brain
2341 timpa the souls are released a long time later
2341 timpa and reborn on regular people
2342 timpa that start developping magic, are persecuted etc
2342 timpa and everyone still uses things from the old civilization but no one remembers how exactly they work
2342 timpa that part is not so similar XD

2346 Shinki12345 The entire world suddenly is frozen in ice, only those with great power are able to remain unharmed
2347 Shinki12345 You must go out in a dark wasteland and find the person who is responsible for causing this deep freeze
2348 Shinki12345 and the culprit turns out to be some great sea beast that was frozen at the bottom of the ocean
2348 Shinki12345 Some kind of kraken
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 03:24:11 am by timpa »
:chroma :gravity :time


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I'm not good at writing, but I totally loved The background story of Lineage 2. Yes, 21 episodes. Don't worry, they are really short!


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  • Y había un hombre con dos pájaros en la cabeza.
I am not good speaking english, cause' is not my native, but if i have something, can i post it here?
Era, pues, el otro.


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i saw on the forum that the people is not thinking about the mythology of this game, but a story of a character

what do you think of the idea of a world surrounded by a big wall, a "paranormal wall", like the end of the universe, where aether and other weird creatures exists

The character, maybe, could be this guy that wants to pass that wall for curiosity, and the story is about him traveling the whole world for that, an egocentric and cruel person who just commits crimes and help for money (maybe other stuff, like a hunter)

This world would have to be flat to make this work (maybe held up by turtles or something fantastic)

PD: We can have a "mixed up" world and still have an end

« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 07:53:40 pm by daemon2470 »
Era, pues, el otro.


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I definitely prefere myths.
We can make the world like the nee Quest map being made by timpa, with the Cardinal limits: An edge dematerializing as you advance, an edge where as you advance time moves slower and slower until nothing moves, an edge where matter deforms more and more and an edge where... the gravity force against you is greater as you advance.