In this event, each guild will attempt to collect screenshots of different things. Each one will be worth some points depending on difficulty.
Standard restrictions, 75% in element (for the purpose of this event, specific cards required for screenie count as in element), 20% upped. ROUND THOSE DOWN!!! For example, 31 deck can use 6 ups max.
1. Sandbox is allowed, as long as decks used are legal.
2. Custom AIs and PvP are NOT allowed.
3. The decks used for each screenie will be submitted as well.
4. Disobeying any of the rules will result in a void screenie. (You can make it non-void by fixing what you did wrong)
5. If you think you found a loophole, please check with a GO to make sure it's valid. We doesn't engrish gud wif requirements.
6. Take a picture OF THE WHOLE SCREEN
7. No editing screenies.
8. 10 point penalty for breaking rules 2 and 7.
9. Screenies will be submitted by PMing YOUR GO with your screenie and deck as the event goes on. We will update second post. Your GO is responsible for modifying the second post. Blame them
Worth 1 pt
Upgrades are for noobs: Beat Demigod with unupped deck. Colosseum predictions allowed.
Playboy: Win the game with every nymph on your field
Commoner: Beat a Champion with only Common/Uncommon cards. Upgrades allowed.
I cri every tiem: Win with 6 NT in hand
NEVER GONNA GIIIIIIIIIIIVE YOU UP: Rickroll a GO that's not in your guild or make them think a link is a Rick Roll. Screenie must include GO admitting the Rick Roll.
Pillars? What?: Win without any pillars on your field.
Worth 3 pts
Absolutely Flawless: Win a game against a Champion with full HP (Take screenie of your LAST TURN)
Screw the rules, I have cats: Win the game with cats as the only creatures in your deck. (Byakko is a cat)
Believe it: Win with the Wet Dream Bow against A CHAMPION. WDB: Any rainbow deck (5 elements or more) that uses 3+ Clepysdra to draw opponnent's hand while having 2+ Dream Catcher and a way to fill opponent's hand. Must be legal.
The Power of One: Beat a Mage with your deck containing at most one copy of every card besides pillars and pendulums.
Worth 5 pts
Weapon Master: Win a game with 24 different elemental weapons out.
CardsR4Noobs: Win a game without using any creatures or spells.
Beginner: Beat a Champion with a starter deck and the free packs.
Streaker: Go on a streak of 20 against Mages
240BLAZEIT: Win with exactly 240 max HP and with a Fire Bolt. Take a screenshot of the final turn.
RNJesus Hath Blest Thou: Win a game with 1 HP remaining and a Fog/dusk Shield out
Bonus cookies if you can figure out which three parodies I reference in the 3 point screenies.
Cookie: flyingcat will give you a cookie. You win his undying respect, and realize that he is never sarcastic.
Q: I think the GOs are cheating! They probably took all the screenies before the event!
A: We didn't. We did do a bit of theorizing though.
Q: You're wrong! You're a dirty cheater!
A: Let's flip a coin, heads I'm right, tails you're wrong.
If you guys have any other questions, post in thread, and this post will magically transform.